If you wear glasses, they'll be the ones issued to you or ones that I personally approve.
This type of license was physically considerably larger than the ones normally issued, as a photograph of the licensee was required to appear on them.
It had to be him, she thought, because his spacesuit was different from the ones issued to the tourists.
These Safed emergency stamps were the only ones issued by the Haganah.
There were two versions of the medal, the first were the ones issued during 1882 which had "1882" engraved below the sphinx.
They rioted after they were told that the word online would distinguish their diplomas from the regular ones issued by Northeast University.
Old preaching credentials were recalled and new ones issued with the Fundamental Truths included.
The military regulations which had seemed so stringent the year before were now mild by comparison with the ones issued by General Pope.
Orders from the station were the only ones issued to Allied air units on the day.
First, the bonds they own are paying lower interest rates than the new ones issued as rates rise, essentially an opportunity cost.