"Juice this thing up and lock on to that oncoming tank."
In fact, his television camera, which recorded the oncoming tank and the shots that struck him before it fell to the ground, may have killed him.
Yet, why should he fall back, when the means to kill the oncoming tank was right here?
But then the concealed machine gun started up again, now firing straight at the oncoming tank.
It was like staring at an oncoming tank, huge and implacable.
She was also big enough to stop an oncoming tank and had a glare that would have wilted anyone but a reporter.
The gun of the oncoming tank seemed to fold matter inward along the path of its discharge.
The oncoming tank didn't sound like either.
A Consie took two steps from a darkened tavern, knelt, and aimed his buzzbomb down the throat of the oncoming tank.
The Yokels at the guardpost there were already climbing piles of rubble to be clear of the oncoming tank.