He spurred Blazer toward the near bank to escape the path of the oncoming beast.
He could run, but had an idea that the oncoming beast might be pretty fast when it wanted to be.
As uniform in their flight as they had been in their bloodthirst, the villagers scattered before the oncoming beasts.
He ran with the sure knowledge that he and Ghanima could reach their narrow notch in time, but his gaze kept returning with fascination to the oncoming beasts.
Even as his comrades streamed away from him, panicked by the oncoming beasts, Horgan stumbled numbly until he stood, alone, before the lumbering charge.
Rama shot with a patience that was marvelous to watch, as if the oncoming beasts were merely straw dummies on which to practice his aim.
He wanted to be back in his car before that happened - it would start, of course it would, old gal had never failed him yet - and piling up distance between himself and that red, oncoming beast.
Da Serra, realizing that he could not outdistance the charging bull, had turned with drawn sword to face the oncoming beast; and so he had witnessed the act of the stranger, marveling at his courage and his superhuman strength.
The three men, by one accord, moved cautiously between Corrie and the slowly oncoming beast.
It met the oncoming beast, and nothing happened.