The Giants know Ryan well from his days with the Eagles and how his defenses once terrorized the division.
It will also mean charges could be brought against the policeman's former partner, a man who once terrorized the township and who now, ironically, runs a profitable business selling "security."
Thus the endless amount of extra batting practice, the search for the right release point on a swing that once terrorized pitchers even when not winning points on aesthetics.
Lyrically, the song deals with a mythical beast that once terrorized a town, was killed, and mysteriously returned to once again wreak havoc upon the villagers.
Cozying up to a profession that it once terrorized - with the exception of Mr. Flom - the American Lawyer is no longer read with dread.
Cacus, a terrible creature who was half man and half monster, once terrorized the city.
By the end of the novel, the observations of a girl once terrorized into silence find fluid, if eccentric, expression.
Pirates, the historical caricatures that once terrorized the seas, are in that class of semi- or hybrid-human characters that occupy a position of fascination in the culture.
A legendary savage that once terrorize the land of Peace, he was then sealed in Tokitsu Lake.
Four Lords of Darkness, ancient demons who once terrorized the world.