They wear what was once termed the mask of sanity.
The documentation that was once termed excessive may help save the lives of the people and their forest.
She also learned a limited space made it very difficult to ignore what Shade had once termed chemistry.
Or, as a high school coach of mine once termed them, "the young youts."
Time magazine once termed him "the Nation's No. 1 isolationist."
Balanchine once termed music a floor for dancing, an image implying that dances are like houses.
In modern usage, the term "short story" embraces what was once popularly termed "the sketch."
He liked the sound of it-firm yet feminine, warm yet with something his father had told him was once termed "cool" to it.
It was Winston Churchill, after all, who once termed it the "first world war."
It has since more than doubled, and the disease that was once termed a random outbreak has reached pandemic proportions.