Once again sporting the iconic hood, the Commander was initially meant to wear a long flowing trenchcoat.
The station once sported a large booking hall, where the car park is currently, as well as a substantial canopy.
At the time of its completion, it was the tallest building in Times Square, and once sported an observation deck.
Vietnam War veterans and their supporters once sported missing-in-action bracelets.
The bedroom window showed signs of once sporting an air conditioner, but here under the spreading palms and salt-tolerant oaks the wind was relatively cool.
Perhaps Renaissance nobles once sported daggers in the shape of Jan Palombo's small pins.
The land was previously used for market gardening and once sported a paddling pool which was closed due to foot infections in the children.
The main street still exists as the major access road, and once sported a hotel, two churches, a school, a boarding house, store, depot, town building and several homes.
Once sported the world's fastest man, Benjamin Washington Johnson, the Columbia Comet.
Girls who once sported large hoop earrings known as "doorknockers" have forsaken fashion for safety by wearing smaller baubles.