Focusing on the market in which they once practically reigned is the best-fit strategy for moving forward.
The blankness taxes a native with reimagining what once reigned so obvious and vital there.
Then it's like a whirlwind, reaping havoc where peace once reigned.
Now a tire shop has sprouted where Nefertiti once reigned.
The acclaimed production won't take Manhattan, that mythical hub of culture where theater once reigned.
But now he's back to the aspect of the sport over which he once reigned supreme: one-on-one match racing.
It held that capitalism was spreading through the places where socialism once reigned.
In Central Jersey, where the potato once reigned, there are now fields of vegetables and their attending stands.
The Gap is in space where the Big Kitchen, a food court, once reigned.
But it's not the America that once reigned without challenge.