He is a bit of a maverick who once punched his coach in a training row.
If she'd been wearing a modern, high-intensity weapon when all this started, it would have punched through the softsuit at least once.
He once punched McGraw in the nose, earning a two-game suspension.
The dough is punched once or twice, after which it is kneaded gently for a short time.
Stephon was an angry child with a permanent scowl who once punched his fist through a steel locker door.
As a result of the allegations, he once punched his superior officer.
The code is deemed an agreement to pay; once punched in, it transfers the call to a pay-per-call number, sometimes overseas.
He'd already been punched once today.
Once punched and activated, the board is worthless.
He is generally seen as less confrontational than his father, who once punched someone for calling him a communist.