About 20 streetcars remain of the hundreds that once plied the streets of Washington.
This was the last point reached by the British Indus flotilla of steamboats which once plied the river (Shaw 1998).
Stepped-up police patrols and a curfew have chased away most of the drug dealers who once openly plied their trade.
A small, usually two-wheeled, one-horse hackney vehicle called a noddy once plied the roads in Ireland and Scotland.
The 33-year-old Mr. Martin is a talented actor who once plied his dramatic skills as a high-priced call boy.
The 32-year-old Mr. Martin is a talented actor who once plied his dramatic skills as a high-priced theater callboy.
Others were actually small cargo ships and barges that once plied the Grand Lakes.
Middletown, named for its position on the creek, once plied by steamers and paddleboats.
A four-in-hand coach, named the Tally-ho, was a coach that once plied between London and Birmingham.
Their building went up in 1889 as a rooming house for longshoremen who once plied the docks a short block to the west.