Once licensed, they can begin charging going rates that range from $75 to $100 an hour for most work.
Once licensed to own a gun, no permit is required in order to carry around a concealed firearm.
Once licensed, a lawyer may take on any kind of case whether or not they have much experience in it.
Once licensed, we will collect the royalties due and then pass them on to you.
Graduates of all programs, once licensed, are eligible for employment as entry-level staff nurses.
Once licensed, many operators earn more than $60,000 a year and a few top $100,000, with overtime.
Once licensed to practice medicine, you should be able to do just that.
Once licensed, an insurance broker generally must take continuing education courses when their licenses reach a renewal date.
Once licensed, though, real estate brokers face the challenge of getting started without a regular salary.
Once licensed, the lender must not make an 'extortionate' charge for the loan.