Companies which were once heralded as invincible no longer are.
Paper bags, once heralded as the environmental favorite over plastic, are now being viewed with suspicion.
That idea was eugenics, which once heralded better living through genetic intervention.
Now, what was once heralded as progress is causing residents to question whether the priorities of yesterday are valid for tomorrow.
It was once heralded as a good place for travelling and, with a bit of luck, it could soon be so again.
Economists say service industries, once heralded as a powerful engine for jobs, are undergoing a sweeping retrenchment.
Mass transit, once heralded as the solution to the rush-hour nightmare, now offers its own brand of misery.
Whether Mr. Head is ultimately right, the new economy is clearly not the one-way street it was once heralded to be.
The New York World's Fairs once heralded "the world of tomorrow" and "something for everyone."
Cottingley Towers, respectfully was once heralded as the tallest residential building in Europe.