The 47-year-old, 40-acre complex, once hailed as a national model of public housing for the poor, has become a blight, according to city officials.
Once hailed as a breakthrough cancer treatment, interleukin-2 has been on a rocky road toward approval.
The resort that was once hailed as the cradle of budget skiing by the 20,000 British who came here each year is in crisis.
The merger plan was once hailed by analysts as a way for both companies to improve profits and strengthen their financial condition.
But the Concorde, once hailed as the plane of the future, has become a high-tech orphan.
Freeman, once hailed as a visionary, now seems little more than a curiosity, another specimen in the brain museum.
Most of them identify themselves with place where their ancestors once hailed from or sometimes even new places where they migrated.
He is once again hailed as Hong Kong's cup winning hero.
Still, he went on, until critics who once hailed him were beseeching him to retire.