Just perceptible, at a bend in the river's far bank, a tractor was making a clearing where his animals once grazed.
Animals of the grassland include the American bison, which once grazed the area in their millions were almost entirely exterminated and have now been reintroduced.
Mammoths once grazed in the Thurrock area and archaeologists recently unearthed the remains of a jungle cat.
This is one of the ideas which pushed me outside the warm, comfortable bloodstream where, buffaloes all, we once grazed in peace.
It was as though the hillside pastures of Vermont had moved westward with the cattle that once grazed them.
Ranch houses battened on land where cattle once grazed.
As Kenya's population of more than 20 million grows faster than any other in the world, villages are cropping up where cattle once grazed.
His left arm, now missing, once grazed his right knee.
Until the early 1970s sheep once grazed the buttes in the western Antelope Valley.
Around Tampa Bay, 90 percent of the sea grass that they once grazed was long ago lost to pollution and is only now starting to regrow.