He dined at the house once or twice and on each occasion Felicity joined the party.
The big room became a common room, at once dining -room, linen closet, and nursery.
He once dined on mammoth recovered frozen from the Arctic permafrost.
He dined with me once or twice before I met him, alone, at ye.
Now the hotel, where residents once dined on a terrace hanging over the river, is a shell.
"Turner actually dined here once," he said, "on the same tour he did the sketches for that watercolor."
I once dined in a party that included a Japanese doctor who worked in an emergency room.
'14 Wallis and Edward dined alone once or twice a week.
He came over to dine here once or twice and danced with Ruby afterward, but I don't think she knew him at all well.
In the place where I got him, he once dined on 3 men your size at one sitting.