For the first time in his life he felt that he was really master of those who had once despised and oppressed him.
Heris saw not the spoiled brat she'd once despised but the handsome, bright young man who had become what she thought of as officer material.
The humble companion, once despised, is raised to affluence and now plays the part of lady bountiful.
Disliked and despised him, just as he had once despised her.
Ferracini stared out at the darkened hills beyond the compound and recalled how much he had once despised that world.
Haplo looked in that direction, looked back at a land he had once despised, a land that now held everything dear to him.
Viola had once despised the Metrodome.
Then Morsfagen turned to look at me with the malevolence I had once despised.
The airline food that I had once despised now tasted like nectar.
Darian felt each and every separate bruise aching, thought longingly of Justyn's little cottage, once despised, and nodded.