Not only have ministers once again backed the employer in an industrial dispute and denounced the union ?
Some elected officials who once backed the stadium have turned critical.
Some members of Congress have surrendered to the lobby, become defectors from the human rights cause they once backed.
The savings and loan that once backed the development so eagerly, pouring in an estimated $330 million, was seized by the Government 18 months ago.
A weakness is revealed: she once backed her family car into a hedge during a driving lesson.
Why he was not at once backing out of the garage might puzzle the listener.
Marcus backed away from the door once or twice - it was not a very bad day - and made his usual rush in.
Mr. Lesser had picked up support from some minority groups that once backed the incumbent.
Union leaders who once backed the DMX cause have abandoned the organization.
Neighboring countries that once backed Mr. Kabila have turned against him.