Indeed, the village once attracted moviegoers from all over the region (and still draws Hollywood premieres).
Howard, which has more than 10,000 students and 1,100 faculty members, once attracted many of the nation's best black students.
Mr. Ramires once attracted publicity when he helped set up a soccer program.
These popular lectures once again attracted many students.
Praised for its sophisticated design, it once attracted four million visitors a year.
A state that once attracted wealthy people because it had no wage tax has imposed one for the first time to balance its budget.
Then, through a miracle of cosmetic surgery, his beauty and the perfect love it once attracted are restored.
And the director has once again attracted some excellent actors who share his peculiar sense of fun.
Masyk once attracted controversy when he advocated sending criminals to work in salt mines.
The office parks along Interstate 287 once attracted Fortune 500 companies, then smaller companies.