He once aspired to be a novelist, but realized his real talents lay in finding future best-sellers.
Schwartz was a poet - the very thing I'd once aspired to be.
She once aspired to be a primatologist, but ended up writing technical documentation.
And having once aspired to copy artworks as a means of making a living, I know too well the problems involved.
Boyle himself is a musician and once aspired to play rock music.
She once aspired to be an astronaut, and now is pondering archaeology.
Like many who've built careers around literature, Horowitz once aspired to be a writer himself.
Consequently, many teachers who once aspired to administration no longer do.
Also, we would remind them of what, perhaps, they once aspired to be but could not be.
Ms. Roberts, 54 years old, once aspired to a seat in Congress.