The bride is a monitor of children's on-line communications, and the bridegroom is a lead product manager.
Part of the magic of on-line communication is that people who might never interact in day-to-day life can develop intimate relationships.
These were the sounds of the latest in on-line communication: voice chat.
In addition, there is on-line communication with doctors, who answer questions from Prodigy users.
"Just continue the on-line communications, see if he'd divulge some tidbit of information that might help the police find this guy."
The world of on-line communication can be described in a number of ways, but "precious" usually is not one of them.
The constant rudeness one sees scattered throughout on-line communications is a sad reflection on the society we live in.
"Life support, environmental controls, sensors, and communications on-line."
In an age of cosmetic surgery and on-line communication, it's easy to customize our appearance or hide behind an invented persona.
Media General also has interests in newsprint plants, recycling operations and on-line communications.