So, for example, shops and check-in facilities in the airport are covered by the Act, but on-board services or entertainment are not.
The company offers a number of novel on-board services.
Robert Sobczewski, manager of on-board service for United, says: "Our food ratings are significantly up.
Over 90 per cent have scored our on-board service as meeting or exceeding their expectations.
It has meant lost baggage, abrupt changes in flight times, poor on-board service and high fares.
Additional features, such as on-board services and amenities, are mostly similar to those on Disney Dream.
The airline plans to provide a full on-board service.
Until the latter 20th century the work included providing a variety of on-board personal services, such as shoe shining.
One option, for example, would be to have a company like Marriott provide on-board services for long-distance runs.
To eliminate on-board service or to contract it out would remove an important level of security on America's passenger trains.