A few years ago, the conservative media consultant Frank Luntz did a focus group studying the on-air styles of the various Sunday talk-show hosts, including Snow.
The honest emotion says something about his humanity and decency, qualities that illuminated Rizzuto's on-air style.
During this period, each station maintained separate unique sets at the Central Avenue facilities and featured a distinct on-air style.
Colford claims Stern eventually developed his on-air style as a result of these tapes.
And in his pedagogical if often overbearing on-air style, he has taught jazz to generations of New Yorkers, from musicians to scholars to casual listeners.
He was known for his eccentric on-air style in reviewing films and theatre and cultural events.
Koshinski's on-air style also featured an irreverent sense of humor and as a result he continues to serve as Master of Ceremonies at events throughout the area.
That sales pitch was typical of Wolfman Jack's growling, exuberant on-air style.
Tony Potts (born January 23, 1963) is an American television personality known for his smart, casual on-air style and live television work.
His on-air style is charming, seductive and full of just-folks phrases like "doggone it."