Has she tried to put kids through school on 59 cents on the dollar?
Ohio State figures on 11 cents for every dollar raised.
"Well, the only agenda was living on 50 cents a day."
Her family may lose $65 to $75 a month in food stamps, a big hit for people eating on 87 cents a meal each.
But the company said that investors should focus on only 50 cents, or 17 percent, of those earnings as particularly problematic.
Pay on acceptance and two cents a word - the newspapers had told the truth.
Earlier this year, that was worth $80 - a remarkable bounty in a region where most people live on 20 cents a day.
"We had counted on 50 cents a seat and that's not coming through."
He reportedly had to survive on forty cents a day.
Specifically speaking - living on less than 50 cents per day.