By last November, voters in 14 states were so tired of political gridlock that they imposed term limits on their senators and representatives.
They will confer a degree of democratic legitimacy on representatives of all communities.
Fifteen states have imposed term limits on their senators and representatives, but none of those members are yet at the limit.
He drafted the Law on Renewable Energy and united other representatives in support of it.
The politicians who attended went to pains to say they were on hand as personal friends, not as representatives of their parties.
Colonel North acknowledged having "put the smile" on representatives of countries willing to make a donation to the contras.
Further information on fiscal and administrative representatives can be found in sections 6 and 7.
Further information on administrative representatives can be found in section 7.
May I remark that the provision on national representatives allows for substitutes?
Those, like ourselves, who had come on the Council's special invitation, certain officials, and representatives of the newspapers and the radio stations.