Oakmoss growing on pines have a pronounced turpentine odor that is valued in certain perfume compositions.
The larvae feed on various hard pines, including Jack pine and Pitch pine.
It was late summer, and the Georgetown road was deep with dust, which had settled like a dun pall on the bordering chaparral and pines.
Now sharing a jail cell, a bereft Mraz doodles on the walls and pines away the hours.
The term pitch moth refers to certain small moths whose caterpillars feed on pines.
Prune out galls on roses, willows, pines and junipers.
In southern New Jersey they have been recorded on Pinus rigida and other hard pines.
The larvae usually feed on pines and members of the genus are commonly called pinemoths, although Coloradia pandora has been recorded on aspen.
Herty's first experiments on southern pines were conducted in a forest located on Georgia Southern's campus.
The birds need mature forest, because they depend on old pines for their nest cavities.