Governors failed to act on his case or rejected pardons, once during an election campaign against David Duke.
Another change proposed by some experts would require a public notice to give the public time to comment on proposed pardons.
"I'm not going to speculate on pardons," said Marlin Fitzwater, the White House spokesman.
Additional information on famous presidential pardons.
A. Well, we don't want to give an opinion on pardons.
Brian Christopher Poe (born November 20, 1969) is an American businessman most commonly known for his research on expungements and pardons.
And what, specifically, do you think should be done to look into, to investigate, the circumstances of the president's brother-in-law accepting money to lobby him on pardons?
If we're still here when the dust settles, he can count on full pardons for himself and his crew, no questions asked.
That subject is explored in an excellent series Pro Publica has been running for the past week on Presidential pardons.
Members of Congress write letters for which lawyers working on pardons may never learn the motives.