After $100 million had been spent on further exploration and development, the find led to commercial production in 1967.
Companies plan to spend $4.88 billion on foreign exploration, up 35.9 percent.
On my first exploration, about 1965, it was late afternoon.
Spending on exploration and development last year rose by 20 percent, to $16.1 billion, the highest figure since 1985.
Should he start now on his exploration of the inner cave?
Amoco is the first big oil company to cut back on exploration because of lower prices.
The focus here is on exploration, not end result, with the artists performing anything they choose within a 5-to-15 minute period.
The commission set Stanley on a path of writing and exploration that were to make his name.
Feoktistov also wrote several books on space technology and exploration.
He also wrote many other books on explorers, exploration and discovery.