In the 1960s he directed several documentaries, a majority on Andalusian localities.
Repeal the senseless 3 percent withholding rule that imposes an unfair burden on small businesses and localities.
They may also stay around longer, and the combined effect is to exert extra cooling on localities and regions underneath those particular clouds.
France's unusual Government budget austerity has also come down hard on other localities blessed, or perhaps mortgaged, with architectural riches from the past.
Although next year will be hard on localities because of the 1990 cuts, the long-run situation might improve.
At the same time, Washington has imposed a raft of new regulatory responsibilities on states and localities since 1981.
The Draba species are found on dry as well as moist localities.
He pushed back on localities the idea that they also have to cut costs, particularly in the school system, where it is possible.
The Governor's executive budget calls on localities to deal with one year of restraint in the rate of growth of state aid.
"You can't depend on localities to have the motivation and resources to do this."