According to the survey, American industry is increasing its spending this year on new factories and equipment at the fastest rate in five years.
This accuracy allowed direct attacks on ships, factories, and other point targets.
He put pressure on local factories to limit pollution.
In contrast to the 1980's, very little of the $1.2 trillion is being spent on new factories, office buildings and other structures.
At the same time, the burden on office buildings and factories grew, from 41.6 to 47.8 percent, city records show.
Businesses plan to increase spending on factories and equipment by 8 percent this year, the largest gain since 1989.
Business investment - which includes spending on factories, office buildings, machines and computer software - makes up only about 10 percent of the American economy.
Companies are more optimistic, as is evident from a surge in spending on factories and equipment.
Spending on factories, real estate and other fixed assets declined by 1.04% compared with May.
The central question, he added, is when companies will increase their spending on new factories and equipment.