To pin the Somalia crisis on drought is wrong.
The discussion about the impact of climate change on desertification focuses on drought.
Paul Ehrlich insists his vision only builds on famine, drought, poverty and conflict already prevalent around the world.
Find weather reporting and resources on drought, hurricanes, tornados, and global climate change.
We went into a bar, I don't know what it was, and Bobby ordered a beer 'on drought' - he saw the sign.
Mugabe blames the food shortages on drought and the cumulative effect of sanctions imposed against the country.
DRI has brought together an unprecedented amount of information on Canadian drought.
As with the Estrela report, I do not believe that there is practical or financial justification for creating an agency on drought and floods.
The establishment of a European observatory on drought was mentioned.
As far as floods are concerned, we have a communication on water scarcity and drought.