"This could allow an attacker to view medical information" on beneficiaries.
The trustees' gains may instead be charged on the settlor or beneficiaries.
However, given the importance of these issues, Congress should carefully review any proposal to best understand the consequences on taxpayers and beneficiaries.
"Congress will then be under pressure to reduce the burden of premiums on beneficiaries," he predicted.
Even in states with relatively generous welfare benefits, the cuts will have a significant impact on beneficiaries.
This helps to approximate the impact of a program on beneficiaries (treatment group).
That will force the companies to delay payments and offer less good administrative service to providers with minimal impact on beneficiaries.
The bill would not change the earnings limits on beneficiaries under the age of 65.
We need reliable information on final beneficiaries, the number of animals kept and the surface area being cultivated.
Political pressures have prompted the Republicans to soften the impact of their proposals on beneficiaries.