On behalf of the Board of Trustees, staff and volunteers of Thirteen/WNET, we note with deep sorrow the passing of Joseph Cullman.
"On behalf of the students, parents, staff and governors of Edmonton County School, I express my sorrow and deepest sympathies to Negus's family," Dr Tranter said.
As an individual of extraordinary quality of character, he served the hospital board with distinction, acting as a wise counselor and a loyal advocate on behalf of the patients and staff of the hospital.
On behalf of the lawyers and staff at the law firm of Freedman and Fish we mourn the passing of Jacob Reingold.
On behalf of the trustees and staff of Environmental Defense, it is with great sadness that we note the passing of Environmental Defense supporter Peter Benchley on February 11.
"To compete with that, the rest of the Street tried to provide additional wealth opportunities on behalf of their senior and professional staff," Ms. Zimmerman said.
On behalf of the faculty, staff, students and alumni of John Jay College, we extend our heartfelt condolences to his beloved wife Judy and his family.
The Library carries out literature searches on behalf of staff, by interrogating large bibliographic databases which are mounted on very large computers.
On behalf of the musicians, staff and Board we send our condolences to Robert's family and our Carnegie Hall colleagues.
On behalf of the faculty, students, alumni and staff, we extend our deepest sympathy to his wife, Rhea, children and grandchildren.