Never before had so much talent been concentrated on a single undertaking.
Even had I the time to spend on such an undertaking, what would the woman think of the man who came begging her favor?
He abandoned the project on learning that Joseph Bosworth was engaged on a similar undertaking.
However, a 'handfast' marriage, based on a private undertaking, although binding, was unsatisfactory in the eyes of the Church and the secular courts.
How could he have imagined that he could lead a party on such an impossible undertaking?
Section 515 allows a justice to release an accused on an undertaking on conditions.
He had embarked on a serious and very likely dangerous undertaking which, until its conclusion, must precede anything and everything in his life.
One could not expect success on such an undertaking overnight.
They feel that to embark on such an undertaking might spiritually jeopardise their work.
Partnership with third countries is only possible if based on a joint undertaking and in compliance with international law.