That is an omnipresent threat, but it is not why I am speaking.
This was his concern over the omnipresent threat of the Soviet Union.
The omnipresent threat of bodily harm has always been a given in Mr. Mamet's works.
However, with the omnipresent threat of terrorists, the word death was too strong for feature use in a light vein.
The tension in "Schindler's List" comes, of course, from the omnipresent threat of violence.
Nitrate contamination of ground water, although a real and omnipresent threat, receives no mention.
Creating this sort of omnipresent threat in broad daylight is no mean feat.
Without a daily routine, the atrophic nature of the house will hover like an omnipresent threat.
The First is foiled in its plans, although it remains an omnipresent threat.
To poverty and the omnipresent threat of natural disasters.