The floor was covered with the omnipresent red dust of Cherokee, and traces of it seemed to hang in the still air of the tavern.
Once I paused before an open vault where I saw some of the accustomed metal cases still in position amidst the omnipresent gritty dust.
Leto had said it was a deliberate statement of power and wealth for this house to ignore such precautions, its doors and windows being sealed only against the omnipresent dust.
The omnipresent Malvirian dust, visible now in the rising sun, swirled in the static charge of the object.
Half-choked with the omnipresent dust, and covered with ghostly gossamer fibres, he reached and began to climb the worn stone steps which rose into the darkness.
Teg sniffed, recognizing the omnipresent dust of their activities.
The man's skin was gray, his jaw slack, his eyes dulled by the omnipresent dust where they weren't completely closed.
As she checked her Canon EOS-1D digital camera, she began to wonder whether her competitor had picked a better vantage point and whether the omnipresent dust would obscure the shot she was trying to get.
Continually, new specials came into existence, created out of regulars by the omnipresent dust.