They are created when the author, intentionally or unintentionally, chooses to include some pieces of information and omit others.
Woods frequently employed the technique of simplifying his subject matter by accentuating physical characteristics and omitting others entirely.
It conflates some elements of the myths and omits others.
It's time to stop guessing, doubling up some actions and omitting others.
A fund that picks some time periods and omits others may have its own reasons for doing that.
Kettle lists several reasons why there should have been no chance for the Republicans, and omits several others, just as compelling.
A public figure's image begins to look like a cartoonist's drawing of his face, exaggerating certain qualities and omitting others from the cartoon entirely.
Because of an editing error, the Saturday News Quiz omitted one question and misnumbered others.
Many say the committees have stumbled a few times in choosing winners and omitting others.
I am always concerned when EU reports mention the names of some geographic regions and omit others.