For many critics, the most ominous threats are political.
But even the ominous threat of sudden violence can't create much tension if the reader doesn't care about the characters.
But in many cities, health officials still regard the disease as a less ominous threat from a bygone era.
Despite his ominous threat, Carmen refuses to take him back.
Despite the ominous threat, the party was a success.
"We know these 2,000-pound truck bombs are a new, ominous threat."
She didn't have to see the other two ships to know they posed an equally ominous threat to this ship.
Political leaders would do well to undertand the ominous threat of the church.
The president should not have to pump up his case with ominous threats in the future.
Iraq has issued ominous threats in the past, but just as often failed to carry them out.