Another ominous signal for Mr. Castro has been the Soviet decision to pull back from regional conflicts, diplomats say.
When the weather radio sends the ominous signal that a tornado is near, most people run for cover.
If he does, it could be another ominous signal for President Bush.
The light continued to flash, and a harsh, ominous audio signal joined it.
Despite those rather ominous signals, many Democrats say it is far too early to panic.
Others are analyzing the ominous seismic signals, called long-period oscillations, that ring out from the frothy magma as it moves inside the beast.
A third, smaller and radical progressive wing would declare itself republican in 1870-an ominous signal for the monarchy.
William P. Barr, the former Attorney General, suggested in an interview that the decision was an ominous signal from the Clinton Administration.
The only longitudinal evaluation available using independent community living as a standard for Level I care is from Massachusetts, and it sends an ominous signal.
Its most radical wing would declare itself republican in 1870-an ominous signal to the monarchy.