His shoulder holster served as an ominous indication that Dan was not invited there for fun and games.
The Ouija episode is also an ominous indication of things to come.
He said women saw the move as "an ominous indication of what might be coming."
Is all this an ominous indication of an unemployment-inflation trade-off?
"It's a strong suggestion of Japanese impatience with the talks in Washington, an ominous indication, I'm afraid."
There are also ominous indications that these positive movements are coming under the severest threat.
In the morning there came an ominous indication, although it still could be but threat.
Critics are dismayed by the mall situation, which they see as an ominous indication of a lack of ability and willingness to make this effort.
One ominous indication of the danger she faces is a wound on her lip from a particularly avid kiss.
Valdemar was suddenly struck by what he considered an ominous indication.