He had turned into a breathtaking man, but she had always known he would, with that olive-toned skin, black hair and eyes like the clearest emeralds.
The contrast between her golden hair and her sleek olive-toned skin was very appealing.
And so an employee of the Census Bureau noted his name, olive-toned skin and dark hair, and marked him down as Hispanic.
Most have dark olive-toned skin and speak Arabic and a Yemeni-Hebrew dialect.
He has black hair and olive-toned skin (which allows him to fit in among the Rhennee).
She was described as having "a touch of the Mediterranean about her": olive-toned skin and dark hair and eyes.
He examined the black-haired youth who looked so similar to his mother, but with lighter, more olive-toned skin than hers.
I saw some olive-toned skin, and, below the hem of the coat, well-creased woolen slacks and finely polished black shoes.
Margo gasped and focused on dark-haired men with light, olive-toned skin.
Demetrios had the features of an aborigine from Nea Karkhd0n, but with lighter, more olive-toned skin.