Amalia had not changed at all, but Petrina had turned into a fine adolescent who no longer fit into the olive jar, however much she squeezed.
Workers have also recovered shards of olive jars from the De Soto period and numerous links of chain mail.
To operate the tongs you must lower them into the narrow olive jar, then press the spring top, opening the jaws of the olive-picker-upper.
The major effect on production was the introduction of the potter's wheel, the enclosed kiln, lead glazes and new forms such as candlesticks and olive jars.
She pulled the olive jar toward her and put two olives into her martini, which made it too full.
Uses the olive jar as a shield until anime character Hama-chan jumps out of the TV and takes the jar away.
The solarium is dominated by oversized wicker chaises, tables made of old tree logs, massive olive jars and trees flanking French doors.
I finally used a screwdriver to pry the vacuum-sealed lid off the olive jar.
But her biggest cache consists of hundreds of olive jars from Turkey, some as old as 200 years, she said.
Open a pickle or olive jar.