They have olive-brown upperparts and white underparts heavily streaked with black; the flanks have an olive hue.
In the moonlight, her olive hue could not be distinguished; the glow, coming through her hair, gave it a blonde effect rather than brunette.
The greenish light, catching the yellow dye, gave an olive hue to the disguised features of Myra Reldon.
The clouds are sinking lower, and assume an olive hue.
The amber promptly fluoresced - a bilious olive hue, so that the mock-flesh appeared alive again, though gangrenous.
The racketeer had a long, tapering face; its hollow cheeks were a nearly olive hue.
Under some lights it looked dark, but when she lifted her head only the slightest touch of olive hue was noticeable.
Fair olive-skinned people have light skin that in cold weather may seem "fair" or "pale", but a slight but usually noticeable olive hue remains.
She was wearing a black velvet dress, and in the modulated light of the apartment, her complexion had a slightly olive hue.
The animal is brown with olive green hue.