Women are denied the vote, as are most men (those not from old-line families).
The battle pits the old-line white leftist families and working-class Hispanic families against an influx of more affluent, mainly white families.
Voters in New Mexico from old-line Hispanic families can share a cultural identification with newcomers, but have very different views on such touchstone issues.
The membership seems calculated to be a mix of old-line families, new-money heirs and even a group on financial aid.
Mr. Garza may come from an old-line industrial family, but he represents a new kind of Mexican executive.
Cangelosi was descended from an old-line Italian-American family in Baton Rouge.
Remmel, the mayor from 1951-1955, was descended from an old-line Republican family.
High on the wall I could see a row of carved wooden shields, totems of the old-line families.
Mr. Hoagland comes from an old-line Republican family of prosperous Omaha business people.
Duhé is descended from a wealthy old-line Republican family.