In fact, this is a rather old-fashioned telling of what is admittedly an old-fashioned story.
I'll tell you an old-fashioned story of once-upon-a-time about a wicked witch and a beautiful princess.
On the surface, these are old-fashioned coming-of-age stories.
What is unexpected about this bitter romance is that it is such a traditional, even old-fashioned, story of a triangle.
This was another way in which this entire mad dream was disastrously unlike a good old-fashioned story.
In essence, it's a very old-fashioned story: girl marries for money, not love.
Many of Ms. Case's songs take old-fashioned stories and chord progressions in unexpected directions.
It's an old-fashioned story told with enough complexity, word play and exceptionally good plotting to delight many adults.
The play was an old-fashioned story that espoused nineteenth century Americana and Victorian ideals.
This is in many ways an old-fashioned story in an old-fashioned voice - that is to a large degree the point of it.