It was also the result, he suggests, of Disney's own cold-war embrace of old-fashioned patriotism and middle-class mores.
It's a tough moment, testing our longtime sophisticated skepticism and our newfound identification with old-fashioned patriotism.
Mr. Naqvi's interest in government seems to arise from an old-fashioned patriotism.
The cheers for the moon colonists' triumph had the ring of old-fashioned patriotism, but the impact went deeper, broader.
In planning their memorial, the Korean advisory board ran to old-fashioned, pre-Vietnam patriotism, and Congress complied with legislation for a memorial with a traditional, narrow purpose.
The standard, while rarely enforced, involved issues like truth in labeling, the power of unions and, to some, old-fashioned patriotism.
And with those kinds of villains it allows audiences to get a good old-fashioned, fun patriotism going.
Mississippi may well rank first, however, when it comes to old-fashioned, flag-waving patriotism.
The allusion, obviously, would have had scant resonance with a pure narcissist, a man unmoved by the destiny of peoples or by old-fashioned patriotism.
Matching old-fashioned patriotism to the frantic pace of modern communications, the Bush administration is trying to persuade audiences here and abroad to support the war.