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It is the old economy seeking opportunities in the new.
This applies to both new and old economies as well.
The old economy never heated up like technology, but then it did not collapse either.
You already know, of course, about the new economy and the old economy.
"What you see are the death throes of the old economy," she says.
And the activity that replaces the old economy will use less energy, the experts say.
But lower interest rates are stimulating the old economy, where companies need to pass on higher costs, particularly for energy.
But on this day he wore the shackles of the old economy.
Today it would appear that the old economy is not so old after all.
For good and ill, welcome back the old economy.
Investors in the old economy may be no more enamored of these unions.
This opens an interesting debate on the old economies and regional trade.
The old economy image is seeping into corporate dress policies.
Bombing affects the old economy, not the new one.
And you are finding some areas in the older economy that are more attractive.
If I may ask the experts here, does he belong to the old economy or to the new economy?
The old economy is not that different from the new - and it might even offer some ideas about how to remedy today's excesses.
In the future, will new-sector jobs continue to grow at the expense of the old economy?
It's the same old economy with new technology.
"They've never quit or been pushed out, so all the good new economy people are still sitting in the old economy companies."
We should also consider how to bridge the gap between the new economy and the old economy.
It is not only the demographics that are against the old economies of western Europe, but also the so-called social model.
Real estate development is an industry of the old economy that remains active in the city of the new.
Across the continent today, investors dumped technology stocks in favor of old economy companies.