He introduced the agricultural employees' obligatory old-age insurance.
In many nations, there has also been an expansion of social security, which lessens the need for children as old-age insurance.
I suspect that the American people would reject this effort to transform their "old-age insurance" into another opportunity to roll the dice in the investment casino.
It also said they would have to make large annual payments themselves if they wished to keep their medical and old-age insurance.
In addition, the promise and premise of Social Security was subverted from old-age insurance to taxable income.
By relying on one another for everything from medical care to old-age insurance, workers challenged the millowners' heavy-handed paternalism.
A compulsory system provides old-age and disability insurance, financed mostly by taxes on employers.
The abduction has created an economic nightmare for the Pengs, since they have lost not just their child, but also the only old-age insurance they had.
Lippmann was referring to the landmark Social Security bill, which included provisions for unemployment and old-age insurance.
Washington was one forward a contributory system of old-age insurance.