The soft, perished feel of the old washer which rubbed black on your fingers as you took it out of the tap.
Pry out the old washer and replace it.
In an emergency, a leaking faucet can be repaired by reinstalling the old washer upside down.
If the old washer was torn or scratched, the valve seat may need repair.
Your trusty old washer has finally sputtered out.
Hold the piston with a wrench and use another to unscrew the washer cover, then prise out the old washer and fit a replacement.
He was good with tired old machines that seemed past their best: old washers and rad-trans equipment, as well as generators and wag engines.
In the cave of the old washer's chamber, on the third terrace: sixty-five ingots of gold.
He sometimes fixed a problem with an old washer and some wire, and charged me 25 cents.
You may not be able to keep up with the Joneses who bought one of those newfangled, oh-so-green front- load washers, but you can still use high-efficiency detergent in your old washer, right?