The recent Motown remaster CDs have vastly better sound than any of the old vinyl.
We walked to his car, which smelled of tuna sandwiches and old vinyl.
They'd rather be ferreting out old vinyl on Berwick Street than go out with a girl.
Add old vinyl and freshly baked bread to the mix and it makes for an archetypal Melbourne moment.
And all the old vinyl too.
I still have that dusty old vinyl and I still feel like an adult whenever I look at it.
But once these all-powerful subalterns reach their late 20's, there are few opportunities to advance; instead, they feel cast out like so much old vinyl.
There are plenty of turntables out there that can transfer your old (or new) vinyl into MP3s.
At the international level, his old and rare vinyl records sell for between US$70 to US$220.
Augmenting their sound with op-shop instruments and old vinyl.