So top up when you can, rather than stripping off old varnish and starting again.
In the imitation of old Italian varnish he excelled all rivals.
They were coated with layers of old varnish and they never looked clean.
It was as if, overnight, the entire world had been lovingly refurbished, the old varnish scraped away and replaced with a shiny new coat.
He has varnished the back with, can you remember what sort of special old varnish it was?
Strip off the old varnish with a chemical stripper and wire wool.
Each piece of meat was as dark as old varnish and the salt was stained like muddy sand.
As he cleaned the surface over several days, years of old varnish that had masked de Bray's rich tones were removed.
The subtle colors that emerge from underneath old varnish can be surprising enough.
At work on a combination of old varnish and primer, the Peugeot rapidly melted the surface layers.