Let every traveller, old or young, drink from the wayside cup before they pass through the gates.
Some of the insurers that promise to offer cover to older travellers.
There is another option for older travellers who may already have cover through a credit card or packaged bank account and be unaware.
Although it has been out of print since 2002, the book remains a talking point amongst older travellers.
The main advantage of being older travellers was having more money, so we could treat ourselves to nice accommodation.
I don't know about older travellers becoming too old?
Certain groups however (children, older adult travellers and Asian patients) tolerate mefloquine well.
When you've seen the world there's always Greenland' goes the old travellers' saying.
It's popular with older travellers and honeymooners, but there's plenty here for the active family.
To answer the question; Has older travellers become old?